Latest Episodes

July 18, 2016
14. Devon Dice Podcast – Runemeet vs the Spiel Des Jahres Nominees
Joel and Tom handle the Podcast on their own this week as Joel forgot to invite the others, but all is well. Hear what...

July 04, 2016
13. Devon Dice Guilds, Thrones and Assassins
Joel and Tom are Joined by Sam Freeman on show 13 of the Devon Dice podcast. Where they chat about what they have been...

June 20, 2016
12. Devon Dice go to UK Games Expo 2016
Joel and Tom are joined by Lewis as they discuss they weekend antics in Birmingham at the UKGE held in the NEC. It’s 2...

June 02, 2016
11. Devon Dice Spiel Des Jahres and Going to UKGE
Joel and Tom Review Automania Talk about the Spiel Des Jahres nominees Plug the Kickstarter of the episode: Days of Ire: Budapest 1956 and...

May 16, 2016
10. Devon Dice are joined Christoph from Meeples’ Corner shop
Joel and Tom are joined by Christoph from Meeples’ corner to talk about their International Tabletop Day event and then discuss Meeples’ Corner the...

May 05, 2016
9. Devon Dice Podcast – The Gallerist Review and more
Welcome to the Devon Dice Podcast episode 9, Joel and talk about a few games this week, Molecular: The Strategic Chemistry Tile Game and...