January 18, 2018


44. DDP The two of us and cardboard

Hosted by

Sam Freeman Nick Shaw Joel Wright Claire Wright Dr Lewis Jones
44. DDP The two of us and cardboard
Devon Dice Podcast
44. DDP The two of us and cardboard

Jan 18 2018 | 01:24:34


Show Notes

Joel and Start the New Year with a revamped show, new intro music and a structure in place. lets us know what you think about it. 

On the show they talk about: Charterstone, Star wars Rebellion, Western Legends (Kickstarter), Gloomhaven and Clank! In Space! Solo mode

News:  Scythe: The Rise of Fenris, Gloomhaven number 1 on BGG, Pegasus Spiele to develop four new games based on Talisman, Matagot to bring out Treasure Island.

And stay tuned for the end to win a Board game from us. 

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