June 21, 2017


33. Devon Dice Podcast, UK Games Expo 2017

Hosted by

Sam Freeman Nick Shaw Joel Wright Claire Wright Dr Lewis Jones
33. Devon Dice Podcast, UK Games Expo 2017
Devon Dice Podcast
33. Devon Dice Podcast, UK Games Expo 2017

Jun 21 2017 | 03:33:25


Show Notes

Hey everyone, this months podcast is bought to you by The UK Games Expo 2017…

This episode is a long one and it’s all about the show that happens every year in the Birmingham NEC. It will feature talk about almost everything that happen to Joel, Tom and Sam at the show.

They meet lots of friends, new faces, played lots of game and eat like kings.

Interlude 1: Sound bite from the Dark Room last year 2016

Interlude 2: musice clip of the Donut Song By Sorted Food on YOUTUBE a parody of Uptown Funk

Tom’s section 2:14:00

Tom’s Poem parody of “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth

The end riddle: 2 dead bodies, a phone booth and broken glass everywhere?

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credits go to Bensound.com for some of the music use.

 – Thank you listen and it’s your turn

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