November 13, 2016


21. Devon Dice Explores Clank! Oceanos and the North sea

Hosted by

Sam Freeman Nick Shaw Joel Wright Claire Wright Dr Lewis Jones
21. Devon Dice Explores Clank! Oceanos and the North sea
Devon Dice Podcast
21. Devon Dice Explores Clank! Oceanos and the North sea

Nov 13 2016 | 01:24:59


Show Notes

Hey everyone, Joel and sam are here for another episode of the Devon Dice Podcast and they talk about what they have been playing, news and some Kickstarters. 

Joel: Clank! 3:20               [SHOP]

Nine worlds, 16:55             [SHOP]

Acquire. 30:54

Sam: Chariot Race, 10:05   [SHOP]

Oceanos 25:14                   [SHOP]

Explorers of the North Sea, 36:54

Breaking News: 43:03

Meeples’ Corner figures for last month

News: 54:15

  1. Wil Wheaton returns for season 4 of Tabletop and to kick it off, he plays Lanterns with friends..
  2. Games Workshop are releasing a build and paint series
  3. Reprint of Blood bowl
  4. Outlander Destiny Dice

Kickstarters: 1:02:20

  1. Tiny epic quest is now out.
  2. The Pioneers Program: Apocalyptic town rebuilding board game
  3. Nothing to declare


  1. Bats Outta Hell – Cards Against Humanity clone with snakes and ladders board, which looks as ugly as it sounds. $56 of $56,000 raised with 13 days to go


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credits go to for some of the music use.

 – Thank you listen and it’s your turn

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