Latest Episodes

July 31, 2022
DDP. 86 Clank Catacombs, Living Forest, Puerto Rico 1897, Moon
Joel, Nick, and Lewis have returned to the mics and recorded again… and they have a bumper show of news, Kickstarters, and games they...

June 28, 2022
DDP 85. The Boys are Back,.. Back again…
After a very long hiatus, Joel, Lewis, and Nick have finally returned to record a podcast. And there is lots to talk about from...

August 30, 2021
DDP 84 The Return Of the Kallax, Descent Legends of the Dark, Distilled
sorry, this podcast was meant to be posted at the end of August but I forgot to add the audio file. Sorry again. Enjoy...

May 29, 2021
Devon Dice monthly Vlog 2021.4 painting Month Audio Only
Youtube link: Joel brings you another roundup of what he has been doing in the month of April, board gaming-wise. What Joel has...

April 15, 2021
Vlog 2021.3 March top 5 Games i Like on Board Games Arena and more
This is Joel’s March 21 Vlog reporting on his month in gaming. What he has played… Here is the YouTube link: what in...

March 15, 2021
Devon Dice’s Vlog 2021.2 February, A month in gaming, plus Joel’s top 10 worker Placement games.
This is the vlog for February 21, this is a podcast but you can find this as a video on YouTube with pictures follow...